Publisher's Synopsis
Four years ago, not conforming to the extreme poverty, because it makes it impossible to do something in life, and with the increase of the economic crisis, was forced to go in search of the secret of success in life. Always wondered why billions are poor, and a small group are the rich. In studies carried out carefully, concluded that only 1% of the world's population, is rich, and the 99% are poor, working for the rich. After a chronological study of successful people, such as: Napolean Hill, Andrew Carnegie, Ford company founder, Toyota CEO, Boeing, Airbus, NASA History, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim, Amancio Ortega, Larry Ellison, Charles Koch, David Koch, Li Ka-shing, Liliane Bettencourt, Bernard Arnault & family, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, EBAY, SKYPE, GOOGLE, SONY, APPLEJeff Bezos, Amazon, SUMSUMG, IBM, YOUTUBE, ZARA, Coca-Cola Company, NIKE, EASYJET, Western Union, PETROLEUM, Will Smith, Ertharin Cousin, Her Royal Highness Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein, Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, TDJakes MegaCare, President Barack Obama, McDonald 's, IKEA, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Oprah, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbison, a study of several vehicles in the world and many others. In the course of the studies, decided to make the book, which had more than 400 rejections of traditional publishers, but with the philosophy of mind, the rich, didn't give up. So, I managed to publish this second book, the largest publisher in the world called Amazon, which will help millions of people on planet Earth. The author calls it a bestseller before being in the physical world, since we are what we believe. The author contributed for nine years, working on greater United Nations Humanitarian Agency, the world food programme in humanitarian emergency in Angola (1993-2002). Wealth is inside you, you are the author of the film of your life. The author, born in a poor neighborhood in Africa Angola, Kwanza Sul province, grew up in the climate of poverty without electricity and water. This life of poverty, after having emigrated to Europe, in Portugal, has worked hard in construction and in cleaning, and had an accident at work, cutting part of the arm, and almost the heart. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital, with the colleague who was also badly wounded. Concluded that the human mind, has great potential. Whether you're the next billionaire, to undertake major projects to impact millions of people and leave a legacy. Stop complaining, the money is inside you. Wow