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Walking with the Walkers

Walking with the Walkers

Paperback (01 Jan 1981)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A chronicle of the Walker family of Smyth and Wythe Counties in Southwest Virginia, this volume includes descendants of Charles and Susannah Gannaway Walker, Daniel and Unity Bell Walker, Daniel and Elizabeth Gilpin Walker, James Bell and Hannah Cleghorn Walker, Stephen Sanders Walker and other family lines. Complete with many old photographs, copies of letters and other treasured documents, this is a storehouse of information, presented in an interesting and easy to read format. It includes both a surname index and a Walker index by first name.

Book information

ISBN: 9780932807083
Publisher: Overmountain Press
Imprint: Overmountain Press (US)
Pub date:
Number of pages: 113
Weight: -1g
Height: 230mm
Width: 155mm