Walking in the Dolomites

Walking in the Dolomites 25 Multi Day Routes in Italy's Dolomites

Second edition

Paperback (27 May 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A guidebook to 25 multi-day treks in the Dolomites of north-east Italy. The routes range from moderate to challenging in difficulty, with varying degrees of mountain traverses, scrambles and exposure so a good head for heights is needed.

The treks range from 11 to 41km (7-25 miles) with daily distances of between 5 and 15km (3-9 miles). Each trek is designed to be hut-to-hut and last 2-4 days. The routes explore the major mountain groups of the UNESCO World Heritage site including Sella and Marmolada.

  • 1:100,000 maps are included for each walk
  • Treks feature notes on access, difficulty and recommended maps for navigation on the ground
  • Public transport and accommodation options are detailed

About the Publisher

Cicerone Press

Book information

ISBN: 9781852848446
Publisher: Cicerone Press
Imprint: Cicerone Press
Pub date:
Edition: Second edition
DEWEY: 796.522094538
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 288
Weight: 332g
Height: 155mm
Width: 111mm
Spine width: 16mm