Publisher's Synopsis
View From The Back ""The secrets Bret reveals in View From The Back will mean a difference in your bottom line. Most new promoters drastically underestimate all the things that can cost or make you money - therefore they fail. Anybody who is or who wants to do events should read this book."" ~Ted Ciuba, ""Bret Ridgway has created the greatest tips book in View From The Back for seminar promoters I've ever seen. I've already seen it add thousands in extra profits. My only regret is that my competitors may soon have this book. I pray my competitors never get their hands on it... it's just too good and dangerous in the wrong hands."" ~Michael Penland, Internet and Joint Venture Marketing Super Conference!, ""Bret Ridgway and what he's learned over the years as the de facto standard back-of-the-room table where he sells continuing education for speakers and other events is my single most important contact in the seminar business. Learn from this man."" ~Alex Mandossian, ______________________________________ About Bret Ridgway Bret Ridgway is the founder of Speaker Fulfillment Services, a company that provides event promoters with back-of-the-room order processing services and information marketers with product duplication and fulfillment services. Bret has been coordinating back-of-the-room sales activities for events since 1999 with his partner Bryan Hane.