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Vander's Human Physiology

Vander's Human Physiology The Mechanisms of Body Function

Sixteenth edition

Paperback (07 Mar 2022)

  • $77.25
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Publisher's Synopsis

The thoroughly revised edition of Vander's Human Physiology is an integrated package of textual and digital material that delivers basic and clinical content, real-life applications, and educational technologies. All these pieces come together to facilitate learning and enthusiasm for understanding the mechanisms of body function. Key focus areas include homeostasis, exercise, and human health. These and other areas of interest are elaborated upon, beginning with Chapter 1, where the key "General Principles of Physiology," an underlying theme in the book, is first introduced. Unifying themes, such as homeostasis, are explored throughout the book at all levels of system, organ, tissue, and cellular function-themes that are always related to pathophysiology through the use of compelling clinical case studies in all chapters, and a final chapter with several cases that integrate material across the entire book.

Book information

ISBN: 9781265131814
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Imprint: McGraw Hill
Pub date:
Edition: Sixteenth edition
DEWEY: 612
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Weight: 1944g
Height: 230mm
Width: 275mm
Spine width: 30mm