VALUES: 16 Steps To Success

VALUES: 16 Steps To Success

Paperback (18 Aug 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Values are like fingerprints.

Nobodies are the same, but you leave them all over everything you do.

- Elvis Presley

Many individuals dream of a project which will be an alliance of great minds and the outcome will be a result never seen before. This book on values is one such synergy. Great minds begin with values as the foundation and each value so carefully penned in this book is something each of us believes in. Values become a way of life, a way of thinking and like the sweet fragrance spreads in every action of your life. This co-authored book is your guide to understand what will help you to become great from the good. It has a clear understanding of each value that you can relate to and apply in your day-to-day life in every way. We believe that every individual needs a clear understanding of values as it not only helps in making decision making but in the long run helps in growth, prosperity and of course peace of mind.

This book is a testimonial of the belief that great organisations have strong clear values. It is our attempt to share with the world of what inspired us. It was no easy task choosing one value for every author but each author co-relates one value that they believe very strongly. But no one value is bigger or smaller than the other and it is unique and important holding its own fort.

We Sirius stars have made a humble attempt to present to you the beautiful melody of different values. Enjoy the song!

Book information

ISBN: 9781636402970
Publisher: White Falcon Publishing Solutions Llp
Imprint: White Falcon Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 188
Weight: 210g
Height: 126mm
Width: 201mm
Spine width: 15mm