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Urban Regeneration in the UK

Urban Regeneration in the UK

Paperback (18 May 2008)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The urban landscape of the UK is undergoing its most dramatic transformation since post-war reconstruction. This volume is a systematic guide to that transformation that draws together a mass of information - from policy reports to academic studies - into a single coherent text. Examining key aspects of the process from first principles, Urban Regeneration in the UK:

- introduces and contextualises the UK urban regeneration agenda

- brings together state-of-the-art research around key themes in governance, sustainability, competition, and design

- uses case studies of UK contemporary regeneration projects

- combines academic and theoretical explorations whilst linking theory and practice

- includes pedagogical features of key learning points, useful websites, a glossary and further reading

Aimed at those studying and working in the field of urban regeneration and planning, Urban Regeneration in the UK provides a highly readable introduction to urban regeneration for undergraduates, post-graduates, and practitioners.

Book information

ISBN: 9781412934916
Publisher: SAGE Publications
Imprint: Sage
Pub date:
DEWEY: 307.34160941
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 190
Weight: 349g
Height: 242mm
Width: 170mm
Spine width: 12mm