Upgrading the Isle of Wight's Railway

Upgrading the Isle of Wight's Railway All Change at Ryde

Hardback (16 Aug 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In 2019 it was announced that the Isle of Wight's iconic 1938 Stock tube trains were to be withdrawn and replaced with a 'new' fleet of refurbished ex-London Underground trains, as part of a wider project to upgrade the Island's ageing railway infrastructure. This book examines in detail the events that followed: the infrastructure works, the withdrawal and disposal of the old trains, and the development and introduction of their replacements - all of it carried out in the midst of a global pandemic. What went wrong, and what went right? What would happen to the 1938 Stock? And would the new trains even fit through Ryde Tunnel…? In writing this book the author has been able to draw upon unique insights provided by some of the key figures involved in the Island Line upgrade, as well as by the current owners of many of the withdrawn 1938 Stock units.

About the Publisher

Pen & Sword Transport

Book information

ISBN: 9781399045179
Publisher: Pen & Sword Books Ltd
Imprint: Pen & Sword Transport
Pub date:
DEWEY: 385.094228
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 232
Weight: 850g
Height: 254mm
Width: 183mm
Spine width: 20mm