Publisher's Synopsis
This book is a personal narrative about an event when the reader was thirty-two. The event changed her life most profoundly forever. The protagonist was pregnant with her second child and was excited in anticipation of the birth of her son. By all accounts of her physicians, the pregnancy was healthy, and the medical team was expecting an uncomplicated delivery. The story unfolds in a way that no one could have imagined, changing the lives of her and her husband in ways they never could have expected. Over the years, she kept her story in the shadows. The pain and loss were something that was to be kept in the shadows for the safety and well-being of the mother. In a moment during the middle of the night, only weeks away from the thirty-fourth anniversary of this life-altering event, an inspiration to write the story came. It could not be ignored, and the book was written. The words came from the author's fingers onto the laptop's keys. The book tells her story and speaks to the contradiction of the incredible vessel that is a woman's body to create life and the empty arms that ache when there is no child to hold and care for. The body dances with the rhythm of childbirth and life, giving sustenance for the newborn baby while the mind and heart feel nothing but contradiction and the most profound grief. This story is inspired to help women in their most significant need. To know they are not alone and to give them strength through hope, forgiveness, gratitude and, the greatest of all, love. Find their way back home through resiliency and strength.