Unlocking the Messianic Prophecies

Unlocking the Messianic Prophecies

Paperback (24 Apr 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This short booklet describes the Messianic prophecies and their fulfilment. It was after the fall, when the outlook for Adam and Eve seemed bleak that the first Messianic promise was given (Genesis 3:15). Eve was promised that one her descendants would destroy the serpent (Satan). More details were added over time, how he would smite the wicked and all nations would be blessed through him. He would usher in a reign of peace, happiness and safety when nature will be changed, harmful animals will become tame, and people would live forever. The ultimate goal of the Deliverer is to save the lost and restore the earth to its Edenic state. The Messiah brings the light of salvation and God's law to the Gentiles. Habakkuk describes his hidden power as glory emanating from the wounds in his side. He is also called the Suffering Servant who is rejected and despised by men, he dies for the people and makes intercession for them (Isaiah 53).

Book information

ISBN: 9781471678516
Publisher: Lulu Press
Imprint: Lulu.com
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 62
Weight: 86g
Height: 210mm
Width: 148mm
Spine width: 3mm