Publisher's Synopsis
For a well-done job "Of Saving Our America" that WE ALL are doing and are ever continuing to guard. Our Persuasions of the Ideological Front convincing to everyone are the Vanguard of our United American Determination To Defend and Preserve America in Our Own Interests in a Unified Opposing Show Of Force. Mature Enlightened Minds Are Prevailing Here, and With Stern Measures Taken: To Uphold The Virtue of Our Ways. BAD GOVERNMENT IS EVERYWHERE UPON US WHILE WE ARE LOSING OUR WHITE RACE, OUR EUROPEAN AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY, OUR U.S. CONSTITUTION, AND OUR LIVES. BE AT PEACE WITH GOD AS WE BRACE FOR WAR TO DEFEND OUR COUNTRY BY DEVELOPING A CODE OF DEFENSE TO LIVE BY THAT WE ALL CAN BRING ABOUT ON PERSONAL LEVELS AND AS WELL AS TO A UNIFIED PUBLIC NATIONAL INTENT. WE NEED TO TAKE CONTROL NOW!
Wherever two or more are gathered ... therein lies the power... WE are standing firm together, as Americans, as a Republican Party, and as a Nation Together. They (those who are taking a dominant adversarial claim against the White American Establishment, ) need to assume a subordinate (and grateful) position. And Equality To All in those stated terms, with No Head ... ever ... to be placed above our own. Wars don't have to be waged with bullets and carnage to be successful. Sympathy for our fellow man's sake, rightly placed, does not ever equate with Surrendering Our Sovereignty to a domination over us in the name of just equality. In order to Win, Psychologically, WE must acknowledge Our Errors to the opposing side first, if you want them to concede. It is extremely important that WE own up to each and every one of our Mistakes Historically, and as they manifest in the modern hour ... "WE are truly sorry to them about that ... WE know that they have suffered." Reunification With God Is All About Atonement. In this preamble to achieving an enlightened in-depth analysis of our American State Of Affairs; and thereunto for us Together as a Nation to arrive at a sensible plan in our arrangement of everyone present here at this time in our History of Living Peacefully together; and for what arrangement that there is no one who can go anywhere for US to be able to live with; that WE TOGETHER then arrive at a Framework of Ideology; as I do state the objectives for to you of my discussions in my Heading: A Summit On Diversity Inclusion/Advanced Social Psychology. To point out that the Human Psyche in not without its need for Moral Social Training. Things are going wrong here, (have been wrong here, ) that need to be manipulated, adjusted, and set right, to all do our Political and Social parts about that would in effect beg the question: What would it take to create a Paradise of Heaven On Earth here? as is truly something that can be done with well thought-out intent. The obstacle of our own ways that prevents it.