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Unicorns Love Rainbow Pants!

Unicorns Love Rainbow Pants!

Hardback original

Hardback (01 Oct 2019)

  • $11.11
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Publisher's Synopsis

What do unicorns love? Do they eat wiggly worms? Do they wear a pirate hat on their head? Do they race over a rainbow? Do unicorns dance on the moon? Lift the flaps to create a story with this interactive board book where the reader chooses what happens next!

Book information

ISBN: 9781789582642
Publisher: Imagine That Publishing Ltd
Imprint: Imagine That Publishing Ltd
Pub date:
Edition: Hardback original
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Weight: 298g
Height: 173mm
Width: 167mm
Spine width: 16mm