Publisher's Synopsis
Previously known as Baldock: Understanding Early Years Policy is in its Fourth Edition. This best-selling textbook continues to provide fully updated coverage of all the latest developments in early years policy such as the revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), SEND Code of Practice 0-25 years and the Children and Families Act 2014.
Exploring how policy is made, implemented, analysed and developed over time this book presents a complete overview of early years policy and an evaluation of its ongoing impact on practice.
This Fourth Edition has been significantly updated to include:
- Full coverage of the 2010-2015 UK Coalition Government.
- A comprehensive timeline of Early Years policy
- Guidance on how to research policy for yourself
- More international case studies, now including the US and Scandinavia.
- New material on how to manage policy changes as a practitioner
- An expandedfocus of the devolved countries within the UK
This text is an essential read for early years students at all levels, and early years practitioners.