Publisher's Synopsis
Understanding Child Behavior Disorders provides an interdisciplinary approach with a developmental perspective to child psychopathology. This textbook is solidly grounded in research findings, both quantitative and qualitative, and incorporates information derived from clinical practice. Features: * Presents a developmental and interdisciplinary approach to children's psychological disorders. * Strong research orientation is complemented by information gained from clinical experience. * Boxes present a variety of student-oriented case examples, surprising research results, and summaries of key points of controversial issues. New to this edition: * The Third Edition has been extensively revised, has a new organization, is thoroughly updated and closely follows the new DSM-IV across all areas of disabilities. * Chapter 15, Abuse and Neglect, studies the effects of abuse and neglect on child adjustment. * New coverage has been added, including object relations theory, qualitative research methods, anxiety and depressive disorders, juvenile deliquency and gangs, and child abuse and neglect.;* The Instructor's Manual/Test Bank is completely revised with new multiple choice items, transparency masters, and video/film suggestions for each chapter.