Uncle Pirate

Uncle Pirate

Reprint ed.

Paperback (23 Jun 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

When Desperate Evil Wicked Bob, a pirate, and his talking penguin, Captain Jack, come to live with Wilson and his parents, life suddenly gets more exciting. But the fun really begins when Captain Jack starts attending Very Elementary, a school as far from shipshape and Bristol fashion as a school could be. With a little bit of imagination and a lot of humor, Desperate Evil Wicked Bob turns mollymockery into mathematics, and young Wilson gets what every kid wants--a pirate for an uncle.

Book information

ISBN: 9781416947639
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books
Imprint: Margaret K. McElderry Books
Pub date:
Edition: Reprint ed.
Language: English
Number of pages: 112
Weight: 84g
Height: 188mm
Width: 130mm
Spine width: 10mm