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Ultima Necat I

Ultima Necat I Journal Intime 1978-1985

Paperback (15 Jan 2015) | French

  • $55.51
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Publisher's Synopsis

English summary: What good is a Diary, particularly this one? It attests - better than the structure and content of books themselves (which, a priori, rely on some sorting) - to the hubbub, hodgepodge and incessant chaos in our heads, the constant overlapping of concerns about multiple and various forms of preoccupations. Can this testimony interest anyone at all? Only if the person who wrote it has managed to make it intriguing and if we want to know about his life, the bitter-sweet interludes in that life. The full gamut of sufferings... . French description: A quoi peut bien servir un Journal, celui-ci particulierement ? A temoigner, mieux que les ordonnancements et les compositions des livres eux-memes (reposant sur un tri a priori) du tohu-bohu, du melange, du perpetuel bordel dans une tete, de la superposition constante de preoccupations d'ordres multiples et differents. Ce temoignage peut-il interesser qui que ce soit ? Encore faut-il que celui qui l'elabore ait reussi a se rendre interessant... Qu'on ait envie de connaitre sa vie, les melanges amers de sa vie. Toute l'echelle des souffrances... (Philippe Muray, 5 novembre 1984)

Book information

ISBN: 9782251445229
Publisher: Les Belles Lettres
Imprint: Les Belles Lettres
Pub date:
Language: French
Number of pages: 626
Weight: 907g
Height: 216mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 38mm