US Combat Engineer 1941-45 - Warrior

Paperback (10 Jul 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

At its peak in World War II, the United States Army contained over 700 engineer battalions, along with numerous independent brigades and regiments. The specialized soldiers of the Engineers were tasked with a wide variety of crucially important tasks including river bridging, camouflage, airfield construction, and water and petroleum supply. However, despite their important support roles, the engineers were often employed on the front lines fighting beside the general infantry in the desperate battles of the European theatre. This book covers the role of these soldiers, from their recruitment and training, through their various support missions and combat experiences, forming an account of what it was truly like to be a combat engineer in World War II.

About the Publisher

Osprey Publishing

Osprey Publishing has been providing books for enthusiasts since 1968 and since then it has grown, evolved and taken on new challenges until it stands today as one of the most successful examples of niche publishing around.

Book information

ISBN: 9781846035791
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Imprint: Osprey Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 358.22097309044
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 64
Weight: 220g
Height: 247mm
Width: 186mm
Spine width: 5mm