Publisher's Synopsis
Betrayal is devastating. But you can rebuild your relationship and make a fresh start with your loved one with this guidebook on moving past infidelity!
Betrayal seems like a common occurrence in relationships. After all, it can happen to anyone-from famous celebrities, to close friends, and even to you.
But no matter how frequently you hear stories of cheating partners in the news or on social media, one thing is sure: experiencing betrayal yourself is a whole different level of despair.
Finding out about your partner's affair feels like dying inside. The person you thought would give you nothing but love, protect you from all harm, and remain faithful has betrayed you.
You might be thinking about breaking it off and kicking your partner to the curb, and you're well within your rights to do that.
But a part of you might still love them... still want things to work out between the both of you. And maybe your partner feels the same way.
This act of betrayal doesn't have to mean the end of your relationship... if both of you don't want it to be.
At the core of your relationship are love and trust. Trust may have been broken, but it can be amended by repentance, acceptance, commitment, and forgiveness. Love and hope go hand in hand. If there is still love, then there's definitely hope.
So before you make any decisions and do anything you might later regret, it's worth taking out some time as a couple to reflect on what happened, work through your issues, and set a direction for the future.
This comprehensive guide on rebuilding relationships after betrayal will help you fix what's broken and restore what's lost.
Inside, you'll discover:
- A deeper understanding of betrayal to give you a broader perspective on your partner's affair, and the importance of addressing betrayal trauma
- The role of honesty after you discover your partner's betrayal - and how to prevent yourself from falling into the cycles of obsession and depression
- How to rebuild trust - and ways to deal with fear, doubt, hesitation, and other relationship issues
- The critical process of grief - and why you must first let yourself grieve over the infidelity before granting forgiveness
- Tips on restoring emotional and physical intimacy - and why you must rekindle your sexual relationship to build a stronger bond
- How to hold your partner fully accountable for what happened - and how you can take responsibility for your actions if you're the one who strayed
- A step-by-step guide on the whole recovery process, with easy-to-follow exercises designed to help you and your partner move forward
And much more.
Cheating is never okay. But if your partner is willing to change for the better, you can still save your relationship.
Think about the millions of couples who successfully strengthened their relationships after infidelity. Like them, you can be happier, too.
You don't deserve the self-doubt, the trauma, and all the negative impacts of betrayal. What you deserve is freedom, happiness, and a new start.
Stop letting the aftermath of betrayal control your life. Rebuild your relationship into one that lasts a lifetime.
If you want to forgive your partner, go past the betrayal, and start a new life together, then scroll up and click "Add to Cart" right now.