Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1907 edition. Excerpt: ... APPENDIX I. The Arrangement of the Sacred Calendar. I.--Nisan. Spring Equinox, end of March or beginning of April. DAYS. 1 New Moon. 14 The preparation for the Passover and the Paschal Sacrifice. 15 First Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. 16 Waving of the first-ripe Omer. 21 Close of the Passover. II.--IYar. I New Moon. 15 "Second," or "little" Passover* 18 Lag-le-Omer, or the 33rd day in Omer, i.e., from the presentation of the first-ripe sheaf offered on the second day of the Passover, or the 15th of Nisan.* III.--SlVan. i New Moon. 6 Feast of Pentecost; or of Weeks--7 weeks, or 50 days after the beginning of the Passover, when the two loaves of first-ripe wheat were "waved," commemorative also of the giving of the law on Mount Sinai. IV.--Thamus. 1 New Moon. 17 Fast; taking of Jerusalem on the 9th by Nebuchadnezzar (and on the 17th by Titus). If the 17th occur on a Sabbath, the Fast is kept on the day following.* V.--Ab. 1 New Moon. 9 Fast (threefold destruction of the Temple).* * All Feasts or Fasts in this list marked by an asterisk are of post-Mosaic and some of post-Biblical appointment VI.--Elul. I New Moon. VII.--Tishri. Beginning of Civil Year. i, 2 New Year's Feast. 3 Fast for the murder of Gedaliah.* io Day of Atonement; Great Fast. 15 Feast of Tabernacles. 21 Close of Feast of Tabernacles. 22 Octave of the Feast of Tabernacles. (In the Synagogues, on the 23rd, Feast of the Annual Completion of the Reading of the Law.) * VIII.--Marcheshvan Or Cheshvan. 1 New Moon. IX.--Chisleu. 1 New Moon. 25 Feast of the Dedication of the Temple, or of Candles, lasting eight days, in remembrance of the Restoration of the Temple after the victory gained by Judas Maccabeus (B.C. 148) over the Syrians.* X.--Tebeth. APPENDIX II. The Actual...