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Two Naked Feet

Two Naked Feet

Paperback (11 Sep 2009)

  • $13.38
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Publisher's Synopsis

In a quietly seductive voice Lisella takes the reader on journey after journey, to exotic locales like Havana, Venice and Dubrovnik, places steeped in myth and bloodshed. With crystalline descriptions reminiscent of Elizabeth Bishop, she mixes the haunted elegance of the old world and the disturbed consumerism of the new. TWO NAKED FEET is brilliantly wired with the tension of paradox. It is about exile and the movement of peoples, the destruction and pastiche of cultures, the chasm between the idealized world and the colloquial one. Lisella writes with depth and simplicity. Her "I" rarely steps outside of the observing eye to become autobiographical, and yet the poems are remarkable for their passion.--STEPHANIE DICKINSON, Award-winning author of HALF GIRL and ROAD OF FIVE CHURCHES

Book information

ISBN: 9780984184415
Publisher: Poets Wear Prada
Imprint: Poets Wear Prada
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 26
Weight: 41g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 1mm