Two Gospels - Paul & Jesus

Two Gospels - Paul & Jesus

eBook (07 Oct 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

While the modern day Christian Church follows the Gospel of Paul, it wasn't always so. The early church followed the Gospel of Jesus. I doubt that many people realize that there are two Gospels and they are polar opposites. The church jumps through hoops and does all it can to synchronize Paul's teachings with Jesus' teachings, but it failed. When you read in this book the comparison of the two Gospels, you will see why they are incompatible. They are so incompatible that they can't both exist in the church, so the church has rejected Jesus' Gospel in favor of the Paul's Gospel of 'lawlessness'. The second half of the book deals with Paul. Many love Paul and his teachings, and embrace them in place of Jesus' teachings. Other see Paul as an anti-christ figure, teaching a Gospel that is the opposite of the Gospel Jesus taught. I lay out the facts, and you will have to decide for yourself.

Book information

ISBN: 9781387183494
Pub date:
Weight: -1g