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Twelve Tender Tearjerkers

Twelve Tender Tearjerkers

Paperback (12 Aug 2014)

  • $15.50
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Publisher's Synopsis

This special collection of stories from True Story Magazine will leave you wanting more! Feel the instant connection to a woman trying to decide whether to stay or go, in "STILL IN LOVE WITH MY EX." In "WHEN LOVE IS A LIE," Karen thought she'd found the perfect husband and father for her boys, but is this turning into the worst mistake she ever made? In the hauntingly beautiful "YESTERDAY'S TEARS," Terry tells of her experiences with her mentally challenged son and her husband who walked out on her. You, too, will cry through the tragedies and celebrate the triumphs in these true stories. Excerpt I took his hand, and felt excited. Shyly, quietly, we walked to the sea. I felt like a young girl on her first date. When the first wave hit us, bubbling around our waists, we squealed at the cold shock. Then, clinging tightly to each other's hands we stood, letting the water beat against us. Suddenly a large wave crashed against us, toppling us over. Ken's arms reached for me, trying to lift me to my feet, but we stumbled and fell again as another wave hit us.

Book information

ISBN: 9781938877643
Publisher: True Renditions
Imprint: True Renditions
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 206
Weight: 281g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 11mm