Tully and the Tummy Ache

Tully and the Tummy Ache - Tales of Tully

Paperback (23 Jul 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Tully has a tummy ache and it's making her feel quite grumpy. She doesn't want to eat or drink, and she can't get comfortable. Her tummy is sore and it's getting worse! Tully is in a toilet muddle. So, Tully and her grown-up work together to sort the muddle out and help Tully to cure her tummy ache.

The Tales of Tully series is based on the true story of a newly-adopted, ex Bosnian street dog adjusting to life in the UK with her new grown-up. Written by a therapist specialising in the impact of early trauma in children, each story explores a specific issue that a family may be struggling with. These unique workbooks offer the adult and child, using it together, the opportunity to develop a common language, understanding, ideas and resolution, through the voices of Tully and her grown-up.

Book information

ISBN: 9781068691720
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Jv Trauma Tools and Training
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 42
Weight: 95g
Height: 246mm
Width: 189mm
Spine width: 2mm