Publisher's Synopsis
Déjate seducir por el romance más intenso de Penelope Douglas. Ahora dos chicas son las protagonistas…
Del odio al amor hay un paso… y ocultarlo es complicado. ¿Cuánto puedes aguantar sin dejarte llevar?
Las chicas Marymount somos buenas chicas. Castas, puras, casi inalcanzables, y lo importante no es serlo sino parecerlo. Yo no soy la excepción, sé portarme bien, con mi uniforme planchado, mi cuerpo erguido; de lunes a viernes soy la dueña del instituto y los domingos… una buena niña católica.
Esa soy yo, siempre tengo el control. No puedo confesar lo que realmente quiero, he de ocultarlo, cada dìa, cada hora, luchar contra el deseo constante de meter mi mano bajo su falda. Porque todos interpretamos un papel, y el mìo es ser perfecta.
Todos los dìas pongo rumbo al colegio Marymount con una motivación: graduarme y entrar en la universidad. No me avergüenzo ni de mi familia ni de mis orìgenes, aunque todos en la escuela se dediquen a cuchichear sobre el largo de mi falda o el rojo de mis labios.
Ellos siempre me han despreciado y creen que no voy a defenderme. Se equivocan. Lo haré cuando esté a solas con ella y le demuestre que no hace falta que sea un chico quien la toque para dejar aflorar todo lo que esconde con tanto esfuerzo.
Le dije que no cruzara las vìas, pero lo hizo. Y ahora no hay vuelta atrás.
Away games, back seats, and the locker room after hours... Get ready for a new sapphic bully romance!
Marymount girls are good girls. We're chaste, we're untouched, and even if we weren't, no one would know, because we keep our mouths shut.
Not that I have anything to share anyway. I never let guys go too far. I'm behaved. Beautiful, smart, talented, popular, my skirt's always pressed, and I never have a hair out of place. I own the hallways, walking tall on Monday and dropping to my knees like the good Catholic girl I am on Sunday.
That's me. Always in control. Or so they think. The truth is that it's easy for me to resist them, because what I truly want, they can never be. Something soft and smooth. Someone dangerous and wild. Unfortunately, what I want I have to hide.
In the locker room after hours. In the bathroom stall between classes. In the showers after practice.
For me, life is a web of secrets. No one can find out mine.
I cross the tracks every day for one reason-to graduate from this school and get into the Ivy League. I'm not ashamed of where I come from, my family, or how everyone at Marymount thinks my skirts are too short and my lipstick is too red.
Clay Collins and her friends have always turned up their noses at me. The witch with her beautiful skin, clean shoes, and rich parents who torments me daily and thinks I won't fight back.
At least not until I get her alone and find out she's hiding so much more than just what's underneath those pretty clothes. The princess thinks I'll scratch her itch. She thinks she's still pure as long as it's not a guy touching her.
I told her to stay on her side of town. I told her not to cross the tracks. But one night, she did.
And when I'm done with her, she'll never be pure again.