Publisher's Synopsis
The writer is a well-versed chemical laboratory experimenter; inventor of a few new chemical processes, owner of American patent, author of several postmodern stage plays as; titles: John F. Kennedy; In Cage; Man without a Face; Welat; The Perfect Murder in Prague; Matthias the King of Hungary Drama published under the pen name Aufoy Bela Kleiner Culeen. The book: "True History of Vitamins" is his recently finished book. At American colleges the author studied English, computer programing, mathematics, chemistry, biochemistry, arts. In this book the author authentically describes how the concept, the idea, then the discovery of vitamins came to play significant roles biochemistry to become a new science discipline which then slowly has divulged what roles vitamins play in the life of the creatures on earth, and how these roles were discovered by scientists despite of the fact that - by nature nothing was evidently revealed to the world, at least not without noticing some anomalies that had struck humans as serious diseases. We can say that the concept for vitamins in those days when researchers started to look for them, but really not for the vitamins, but for something what appeared to be mysterious, some unexplainable occurrence or agent that had to play an important role in the living world, in the organisms, in the creatures lives. Today medical science: biology, biochemistry research vitamins.. When that concept, micronutrients, came into the mind of the scientists observing some mysterious phenomena in nature appearing with diseases, biochemistry did not exist. Biochemistry started with the research of vitamins, and the research for vitamins started by scientists establishing the concept of micronutrients that something was missing from the human nutrition. To validate this concept; there was only one way: do the observation, and let nature to prove it or disprove it. Justus Liebig in his Animal Chemistry writings had deduced that human diet consist of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and minerals. All the scientific world accepted it as a valid tenet. It might have been a good starting point to discover the vitamins, but for the sufferers who were afflicted by the mysterious diseases, in many cases, it was the death sentence, because, as the reader will go through the book, will see how the Medicine Doctrine, the authorities" stance, and attitude related to health anomalies many people suffered from all over the world. People were suffering from mysterious diseases all over the world. Some of the diseases were given names, some of those mysterious diseases were treated by folk medicine practitioners, doctors using remedies found in nature. Nevertheless, some of the diseases attained dangerous, epidemic proportions in some countries in Europe, in Asia and in America as well. Yet the medical establishments, science still maintained its rigid approaches how to deal with problems even when experienced doctors had shown good results treating their sick patients. Once the practicing doctors, researchers, scientists started to observe the patients plagued by the mysterious diseases with a deeper understanding what the racked patients had gone through, things started to loom, appear, disappear in the minds of the observers. They devised plans to experiment with animals, observing Liebig's dietetic precept. Thanks to Liebig's diet injunction led the researchers to discover all the vitamins what we need to have in our diet to avoid certain illnesses.