Publisher's Synopsis
Travel Things Museum is a London-based non-profit organisation focused on global travel, culture, and discovery. Our goal is to inspire people - not only about different places, cultures and heritage, but also about their interconnections.
Travel Things Museum Volume One is a book about curious everyday objects from around the world. They are part of an extensive collection curated by a world traveller with an artistic vision for how similar-looking objects have different meanings according to their setting and usage. Objects range from beautifully handcrafted utensils, through to exquisite windowpane oysters, rain capes or camel muzzles. It teaches us about the different use of sustainable and traditional materials, applying varied solutions to everyday problems, from the culinary, to the agricultural or sartorial. Travel Things takes a playful and creative approach, asking us questions about various cultures and places, for example exploring how religious or political beliefs are represented in the objects we encounter on our travels. This book helps us question what we take from our travels, through the 'things' we encounter along the way. It invites you to approach these objects with an open mind, and find different meanings, connectivity or symbolism behind them. This is a great book for anyone who enjoys overseas travel, helping us to see the world through everyday objects!For more information, please visit our website: or social media @travelthingsmuseum