Toward a Unified Ecology

Toward a Unified Ecology - Complexity in Ecological Systems Series

Second edition

Paperback (07 Jul 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The first edition of Toward a Unified Ecology was ahead of its time. For the second edition, the authors present a new synthesis of their core ideas on evaluating communities, organisms, populations, biomes, models, and management. The book now places greater emphasis on post-normal critiques, cognizant of ever-present observer values in the system. The problem it addresses is how to work holistically on complex things that cannot be defined, and this book continues to build an approach to the problem of scaling in ecosystems. Provoked by complexity theory, the authors add a whole new chapter on the central role of narrative in science and how models improve them. The book takes data and modeling seriously, with a sophisticated philosophy of science.

About the Publisher

Columbia University Press

Columbia University Press seeks to enhance Columbia University's educational and research mission by publishing outstanding original works by scholars and other intellectuals that contribute to an understanding of global human concerns. The Press also reflects the importance of its location in New York City in its publishing programs. Through book, reference, electronic publishing, and distribution services, the Press broadens the university's international reputation.

Book information

ISBN: 9780231168892
Publisher: Columbia University Press
Imprint: Columbia University Press
Pub date:
Edition: Second edition
DEWEY: 577.01
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 504
Weight: 886g
Height: 179mm
Width: 253mm
Spine width: 29mm