Publisher's Synopsis
First published in 1997. In the 'Masquerades of Nigeria' and 'Touch', the fourth volume of his mask: A Release of Acting Resources, David Griffiths investigates the use of mask in the Masquerade traditions of West Africa, and specially of Nigeria. The author persuasively argues in favour of a common language of masek performance, and focuses particularly on the manner in which the Nigerian dramatist Wole Soyinka explores the theatrical virtuosity and vibrancy of mask in his plays, specially his 'root' play 'A Dance in the Forests'. David Griffiths then presents his short Trilogy of plays, under the title 'Touch' which he created to explore the intricate subtleties of African mask in a manner accessible to Western actors. 'Touch' is based on Soyinka's play and arguably needs that as a point fo reference- but being directed to rad Soykina is to everyone's benefit.