Too Much Information

Too Much Information Understanding What You Dont Want to Know

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Publisher's Synopsis

How much information is too much? Do we need to know how many calories are in the giant vat of popcorn that we bought on our way into the movie theater? Do we want to know if we are genetically predisposed to a certain disease? Can we do anything useful with next week's weather forecast for Paris if we are not in Paris? In Too Much Information, Cass Sunstein examines the effects of information on our lives. Policymakers emphasize "the right to know," but Sunstein takes a different perspective, arguing that the focus should be on human well-being and what information contributes to it. Government should require companies, employers, hospitals, and others to disclose information not because of a general "right to know" but when the information in question would significantly improve people's lives.

Book information

ISBN: 9780262044165
Publisher: The MIT Press
Imprint: The MIT Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 025.524
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 252
Weight: 410g
Height: 147mm
Width: 210mm
Spine width: 30mm