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Tom Swift Omnibus #5: Tom Swift in Captivity, Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera, Tom Swift and His Great Searchlight

Tom Swift Omnibus #5: Tom Swift in Captivity, Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera, Tom Swift and His Great Searchlight

Paperback (02 Nov 2007)

  • $19.58
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Hardback (02 Nov 2007) $32.40

Publisher's Synopsis

Tom Swift has enthralled generations of children with his amazing adventures. So return to a simpler time, put away your cynicism, and dust off your sense of wonder, because you're off on a series of grand adventures! Include here are Tom Swift in Captivity (Or a Daring Escape by Airship), Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera (Or Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Pictures), Tom Swift and His Great Searchlight (Or on the Border for Uncle Sam)

Book information

ISBN: 9781604591057
Publisher: Wilder Publications
Imprint: Wilder Publications
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 312
Weight: 417g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 17mm