Tolley's International Personal Tax Planning

Tolley's International Personal Tax Planning - Tolley's International Series

Paperback (27 May 2002)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"Tolley's International Personal Tax Planning brings together a team of authors who are leading experts from around the world. Each chapter, written by a specialist or a team of specialists, provides authoritative and practical advice on a different aspect of international personal taxation.Tolley's International Personal Tax Planning provides practical strategies for effective tax planning in an international context, whilst giving detailed examination to a number of areas of key importance and complexity. It is an invaluable reference work for lawyers, tax practitioners, practising accountants and all others with an interest in international taxation.New chapters for this edition include: Money Laundering - A Supervisor's Perspective: Guernsey, Secondments In and Out of the UK and Use of Trusts in International Tax Planning; with other chapters being comprehensively revised and all chapters brought up-to-date to February 2002.Special Features: Chapters written by an unrivalled team of experts from around the world Individual chapters devoted to areas of particular importance Worked examples, illustrations and diagrams throughout the text"

Book information

ISBN: 9780754513377
Publisher: Tolley
Imprint: Tolley
Pub date:
DEWEY: 343.4104
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Weight: -1g