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Tin Kan Kitty

Tin Kan Kitty Young Boy Helps an Injured Kitty.

Hardback (05 Mar 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Tin Kan Kitty is a truly unforgettable children's adventure book, perfect as an inspiring, and delightful story to read to your children. Will help teach responsibility in caring for a pet.

Ryan is a young boy walking through the park. He kicks an old tin can and his adventure begins. A small abandoned, injured kitty is in the can. What will Ryan do? Will he help the kitty or leave it hurt and alone? Ryan decides to help the kitty and so he takes it home with him. Together, Ryan and his mother feed and bath the kitty. They load the kitty into the car to take it to the Veterinarian for a check-up and repair her torn ear. The veterinarian is caring toward Ryan, his Mom, and the kitty whom they have named Patches. Now the real adventure begins. Ryan can keep Patches since she did not have an ID tag. Ryan has a new pet who he is responsible for. Mom discusses with Ryan all the chores he will need to do to keep Patches healthy and happy. Can he do it? "Yes!" says Ryan.

This adventure story will stay in children's memory for a long time. It will show them empathy towards pets and how they too can help no matter how small they are.

Book information

ISBN: 9780999416556
Publisher: C.G. Adler
Imprint: C.G. Adler
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 26
Weight: 249g
Height: 203mm
Width: 203mm
Spine width: 6mm