Publisher's Synopsis
For the first time the Virgin Mary has appeared to 108 people at the same time. In the same afternoon in Betania, Venezuela she appeared seven times for periods ranging from 5 minutes to 30 minutes.A total of at least 500 people saw the Virgin Mary.This has never happened before.What was the aftermath of the Apparition in Betania.?An innovative approach to the various Apparitions of the Virgin Mary.Mary did appear and will appear to different locations and individuals but the burning question is why does she appear.This book gives the answer.A study of the eleven Apparitions show that when a country faces catastrophe or impending doom Mary is there to console and warn her children.A vivid case in point is the Genocide of Rwanda.Mary appeared to the three children and warned them that the people of Africa and also the people of the World should change their ways.She showed them visions of a bloodbath where there were headless corpes all over the streets of Rwanda.This was in 1980.In 1990 Pope John Paul visited Rwanda and urged the people to change.He said that Virgin Mary loved her children and had come to warn them.But they never changed their old habits of distancing themselves from Jesus and indulging in lustful pleasures out of wedlock.She also warned that the failure would lead to a dreadful illness or calamity.True to her word the dreadful Genocide took place in 1994,800,000 people were killed in 100 days.The Aids virus was discovered in 1981 and the highest incidence of Aids is still recorded in Africa.In all the other apparitions too there is a reason for her presence.There are also most appropriate message given to the people.She said that prayer and penance is a vital tool for the eradication of chaos and suffering, particularly the praying of the Rosary.She said the Rosary is a meditative prayer.What are the secrets of Fatima and what is the mysterious third seceret?How did Pope John Paul II escape in the attempt on his life ?This book provides the answers.Following the Apparitions in Betania in 1991 an Eucharistic Miracle occurred at the same place.This miracle was filmed on Video and is available