Publisher's Synopsis
Originally published in 1967, Time of One's Own asks the question: How do young Scots spend their free time nowadays? The Kilbrandon Council asked the University of Glasgow to undertake a study on this subject and their conclusions form the subject of this book.
'Young Scots' were confined to those aged fifteen to nineteen, and in the main to those living in three localities which it was hoped were reasonably typical - a mining town in West Lothian and, in Glasgow, an old inner area and a new outlying housing estate. Some three thousand boys and girls provided facts and views.
In addition to statistical material the study constantly refers to the 'how and why' of the way in which the individual youngster spent their free time. The adults who collected the information agreed that what they saw of the leisure of these adolescents lacked variety and sparkle. On the other hand, a considerable proportion of the boys and girls appeared to be on the brink of using it in less stereotyped ways. Just a little push might have done the trick. In general, the provision for recreation was inadequate. This was especially so in the case of indoor facilities. The Youth Service, which should play so important a role, required far more support.
This is a valuable record from the time of what it was like to have 'Time of One's Own', and this reissue is a fascinating addition to all those interested in the history of Education and Sociology.