Thundering Courage

Thundering Courage George Armstrong Custer, the Union Cavalry Boy Generals, and Justified Defiance at Gettysburg

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Publisher's Synopsis

""Promotions or a coffin!" To George Armstrong Custer, war is the Devil's own fun. And his luck-"Custer Luck"-peaks during the Civil War, keeping him alive against all odds. Yet, for the first two years of the war, Custer luck has not earned him a command-until, three days before a brewing battle at Gettysburg, Captain George Custer is promoted to brigadier general. Possessed with raw courage, rare gallantry, and reckless heroism, Custer becomes the youngest general in the Union army. Hugely spirited, tactically flexible, and fiercely ambitious, Custer, on July 3, 1863, trots in front of the First Michigan cavalry regiment, grips his sheathed saber, and pulls. The blade swishes from its metal scabbard with the sleekness of a swooping hawk. "Come on, You Wolverines!" he yells. And the 23-year-old leads one of the greatest cavalry charges in the annals of warfare. Craving attention, approval, and glory, the boy general with long, flowing,

Book information

ISBN: 9781631070532
Publisher: Heart Ally Books, LLC
Imprint: Heart Ally Books, LLC
Pub date:
DEWEY: 813.6
DEWEY edition: 23/eng/20230817
Language: English
Weight: 943g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 37mm