Publisher's Synopsis
The "Ancient Aliens" have finally returned! Instead of terror and fear they bring, initially a long silence in order for mankind to adjust. They separate Waring combatants in conflicts throughout the world. They feed the hungry and starving throughout the world. They seed the arid deserts and fallow ground of the entire Earth and food abounds throughout the world. Ultimately their leader is identified and begins addressing the world of far more contented and pliable, accepting world. He speaks as an absentee parent would speak, expressing all that he longs to achieve. Culminating with agreed mixed marriage between the aliens and mankind, creating a hybrid child. There are those that still doubt and fear deception, even with all the acts of benevolence and well being Thrisc brings to mankind. Let me preface this with the fact I am neither Theologian nor Archaeologist. Simply rather; a fallible, common man. Quite simply throughout the "Old Testament" there is prolific evidence of a contention between the Lord God and these other entities "Ufologists" choose to identify as "Ancient Aliens" or E.T.'s. *Could those be the entities the "Ufologists" would have everyone follow? Could our assumed "Ancient Aliens" come from somewhere far closer than "Outer Space"? The story I have written only proposes that possibility. With the intent of simply encouraging people to think for themselves. Analyze "Ufology" doctrine and examine them with a more critical eye. Established Christian eschatology would find fault with my proposal in that, they would insist that the Anti-Christ has to spring from the Earth.."a small nation, a great beast/dragon, from the sea (population)." A History channel, Ancient Alien episode, "The Wisdom Keepers" interviewed an aboriginal Historian and Elder, Kevin Gavi Duncan. He stated clearly that their "sky god" said that he came from and was named, the "Morning Star." ** Isaiah 14:12 identifies Lucifer's alternate name as "star of the morning" (KJV) and "Day Star, son of Dawn" (Gideon's). *A trail of crumbs, perhaps? For those so inclined: Genesis 6:2 -6 **Numbers 13:33 Numbers 21:14 - 35 **Exodus 20:25/26 - Altars built so specifics. Exodus 34:12 - 15 Deuteronomy (All) Luke 10 2nd Peter 2:4 Revelations 12 "Ufology" leads in the realization that "mankind" suffers the most phenomenal case of amnesia imaginable with Science and Religion concurring to some extent. In all logic; to exclude all of Biblical Historical Fact is utter folly. My contention/challenge to "Ufologists" isn't in their research or's in their identification as "Ancient Aliens"/E.T.'s! Fa'afati Lavi; Siaosi