Publisher's Synopsis
As a Catholic Christian I felt compelled to look into some of the traditions of the Church. I studied them and questioned their validity. In that I did write about the Church the first copy of the book was sent to the Pope in Rome and four Bishops in the United States. From 2013 till now I have watched the Pope react to the content. As the content seemed to upset others I found myself in jail on a false charge and a year later shot at. For this reason I didn't try to sell it. Then in March of this year I had a flash dream of a hand protruding from a box as if asking for help followed by the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe that would be on two empty boxes. I mailed that to Rome as well. I hope to send that letter and the book to the leaders of the different branches of the Church (Russia, Egypt and so on) I also sent three copies to the White house. There is a lot of to do these days about false news, which is just a trendy name for lies. All of these come from the father of lies; who is Satan. He lied from the beginning first to the fallen angels who rebelled against God, then to Eve. He is still spreading about the same old lies in every generation. There is another thing he does and that is stealing the truth from history and replacing it with lies. Therefore it is prudent at times to question the so called facts that normally will bring in the light. This is something that people of all generation often fail to do, and the lies are accepted by future generations as truths. This is brought out in this book. While the same old lies have been tricking people for thousands of years, they have a different twist for the past century and that is technological advances. Satan's disciples are using modern technology which normally was created for good and using it for evil. This is also presented in the book and I believe the reason I had problems in 2013. In order to present this material I inserted them within a story line that has different caricatures questioning and adding other proves. The writer is an Egyptian reporter, then a professor, a monk, a retired Vatican guard along with others. In the end the material has been presented and critiqued but the reader has to come to your own conclusion. I would like to insert this truth. We humans being s are created in the image and likeness of God; body, soul and spirit. With the faith of a mustard seed we can heal the sick rise the dead and walk on water. When man follows God we ascend into heaven. When a person gives them self to Satan they do evil and as men can preform works that even the angels can not we can do act even more abase that a devil. Angels obey or disobey, man has free will. So the marvel of it all is that the wars, rumors of war, famines and such are normal and oil, gold, land and power may seem to be the reason for men, but Satan's goal is always your soul. The battle is faith verses doubt, and it always has been, devils trick us and sow doubt which keeps us from that small seed of faith that can defeat him and his kingdom. With faith you start to walk across a lake that the devil will tell you that you will drown, or who do you think you are a 'Saint?'. That is one of the best trick he uses reminding you that you are a sinner and not a saint. You are nothing; not the truth that you are a beloved child of God who is our father and we are capable of great thing including sending demons to hell. So he distracts us stealing our peace so that we can not pray, for prayer and fasting will stop wars, famines and destroy Satan's kingdom, not guns and bomb, those are tools of hate and sin, not peace and love. If you buy the book I hope that it will bring you closer to God.