Publisher's Synopsis
Melvin Joseph Ballard's famous sermon, whereby he sets out the plan which God has for humanity, and the characteristics of His kingdom in heaven, is a spiritual Christian classic.
The author and deliverer of this sermon was a leading member of the Latter Day Saints church, a speaker whose eloquence in communicating God's promise to all of His children is in its fullest display. That joy and fulfillment is promised by the Lord, and that believers will be rewarded so long as they stay the path. The adversities which define life on Earth are merely temporary; a life lived true to God is one full of purpose. The afterlife, the heavenly kingdom of the Lord, awaits as it has always done.
While aspects of the text are dated to their time - Elder Ballard spoke in 1922, when popular conceptions concerning race differed sharply from the modern day - the message as a whole is of vital significance to believers. Citing the holy Scripture and the prophets, we are enlightened about the salvation, its qualities expressed with bright clarity. For historical accuracy, this reprint appends the lists of staff at the Weber and Mount Ogden chapters, following the conclusion of the sermon.