This Report Is Strictly Confidential

This Report Is Strictly Confidential

Paperback (07 Feb 2025)

  • $14.34

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Publisher's Synopsis

Part exposé , part memoir, all heart- critically-acclaimed novelist Elizabeth Ruth' s poetry debut is an act of love and commemoration, inspired by real life events that have left a lasting imprint on generations of family. Presented in four linked sections, this debut poetry collection from award winning writer Elizabeth Ruth offers readers rare glimpses into private worlds, revealing the life of the author' s aunt who lived for decades in a notorious government-run residential hospital, exploring the experience of critical illness, and addressing the biological father Elizabeth Ruth has never met. With fresh, inventive use of language, biting irony and an unflinching gaze upon the human condition, these intimate poems give voice to the things that can' t be said. This Report Is Strictly Confidential is an act of literary alchemy that carries all kinds of secrets out of the shadows and into the light, thereby transforming ugliness into beauty.

Book information

ISBN: 9781773861425
Publisher: Caitlin Press Inc.
Imprint: Caitlin Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 96
Weight: -1g
Height: 203mm
Width: 140mm