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This Monastic Moment

This Monastic Moment The War of the Spirit and the Rule of Love

Paperback (28 Sep 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Kairos is used in the New Testament to signify a pivotal moment in history: a critical time of judgement and opportunity where chaos must be faced and one must change their ways before it becomes irreparable. Confronted by the Covid-19 pandemic and mandatory isolation, John de Gruchy felt a similar need to adapt and respond. In doing so, he found a deepening in his desire for authentic humanity, genuine community, and the opportunity affirm his conviction that true humanity is rooted in God, wisdom, and the struggle for justice. Mixing theology, history, anecdote, spirituality, social commentary, and practical suggestions, This Monastic Moment reflects on this period, and argues that now is the opportune time to embrace the opportunity God has given to receive the coming kingdom in greater fullness. This urgency echoes St Benedict of Nursia's call to 'listen', 'wake up', and 'run' while there is still light before 'the darkness of death'. With consideration given both to contemplation and action, to prayer and justice, de Gruchy's own personal pilgrimage provides the tools to embark upon, or aid, your own.

Book information

ISBN: 9780718896829
Publisher: James Clarke & Co Ltd
Imprint: The Lutterworth Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 248.4
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 228
Weight: 346g
Height: 151mm
Width: 228mm
Spine width: 18mm