This Book Will Teach You to Own Your Time

This Book Will Teach You to Own Your Time The Insider's Guide to Mastering Time Management

Hardback (18 Aug 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This short and handy book gives readers the basics of getting on top of the one thing we never seem to have enough of: time. In our personal lives and our professional ones, we constantly seem to be racing against the clock, feeling stressed out and tired in the process.

This Book Will Teach You to Own Your Time tackles one of the key things we never seem to have enough of: time. Increasingly, our days seem jam-packed with one task after another, and not just at work; our personal lives don't seem to be our own, and the time away from work is all too often spent doing things we need to do rather than what we want to do. We find ourselves wondering where did the day (or the weekend, or the week, or the month, or the year!) go? Surprisingly, a good amount of our time gets wasted in ways we may not even be aware of. Learning to spot those distractions and minimize them can go a long way toward helping you reclaim your time for you!

Whether you are a student, an employee at a company, or just someone who needs to get back on top of time, this brief book will offer you tools, tips, and techniques to make the most of your days and nights. You'll learn to make and keep schedules, use technology to your advantage instead of letting it rule you (cough! Social media, cough!), and understand why we procrastinate and fritter away so many precious hours. Understanding the why of time wasting goes a long way to putting a stop to it. If you're feeling overworked at your job, you'll learn ways to cope and prioritize, and if your personal life is a temporal shambles, this book will help you pull it back in and make you a master of time!

Book information

ISBN: 9781951511104
Publisher: Cider Mill Press
Imprint: Cider Mill Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 144
Weight: 648g
Height: 229mm
Width: 167mm
Spine width: 35mm