Publisher's Synopsis
In this pioneering interdisciplinary reader, Hilton Kelly and Heather Moore Roberson have curated essential readings for thinking about black education from slavery to the present day.
The reading selections are timeless, with both historical and contemporary readings from educational anthropology, history, legal studies, literary studies, and sociology to document the foundations and development of Black education in the United States. In addition, the authors highlight scholarship offering historical, conceptual, and pedagogical gems that shine a light on Black people's enduring pursuit of liberatory education. This book is an invitation to a broad audience, from people with no previous knowledge to scholars in the field, to think critically about Black education and to inspire others to uncover the agency, dreams, struggles, aspirations, and liberation of Black people across generations.
Thinking About Black Education: An Interdisciplinary Reader will address essential readings in African-Americans' education. The text is inspired by the editors' diverse backgrounds in interdisciplinary scholarship and professional communities. Necessary after 400 years of struggle for people of African-American descent to become fully-educated citizens with all the rights and privilege that true freedom brings, it can serve as a cornerstone during this quadricentennial moment by showcasing canonical, cutting-edge, and essential scholarship that people of African descent have produced in the United States.
The collection includes many of the great foundational thinkers and writers of the last 100 years. Selections include work from:
Heather Andrea Williams
James D. Anderson
Elizabeth McHenry
D. M. Douglas
Vanessa Siddle Walker
Thomas Sowell
Trudier Harris
Signithia Fordham and John U. Ogbu
A. A. Akom
Mano Singham
Gloria Ladson-Billings
bell hooks
William F. Tate IV
James Earl Davis
Emery Petchauer
Michael J. Dumas and kihana miraya ross
Thinking About Black Education is an essential text for a variety of Black Studies courses, but it should also appeal to a broader audience of students and scholars interested in racial equity and social justice across the disciplines.
Perfect for courses such as: Black Education from Slavery to Freedom │ Foundationsof American Education │ Introduction to Africana Studies │ Introduction to Foundationsof Education │ Schools & Society │ Race and Education │ AfricanAmerican Education │ African American Philosophy │ Education in African AmericanCulture