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They Were Counted

They Were Counted - Transylvanian Trilogy


Hardback (31 May 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Shooting parties in great country houses, turbulent scenes in parliament and the luxury life in Budapest provide the backdrop for this gripping, prescient novel, forming a chilling indictment of upper-class frivolity and political folly, in which good manners cloak indifference and brutality. Abady becomes aware of the plight of a group of Romanian mountain peasants and champions their cause, while Gyeroffy dissipates his resources at the gaming tables, mirroring the decline of the Austro-Hungarian empire itself

Book information

ISBN: 9781841593531
Publisher: Everyman
Imprint: Everyman
Pub date:
Edition: Reprint
DEWEY: 894.511332
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 624
Weight: 716g
Height: 145mm
Width: 204mm
Spine width: 38mm