Therapies for Nail Disorders

Therapies for Nail Disorders A Quick Guide to Best Practice

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Publisher's Synopsis

This concise text presents the essential points of diagnosis and a quick guide to what are currently the best evidence-based practices in treatment methods. In addition to material on the diseases themselves, there are useful appendices on how to carry out ancillary procedures.

Contents: Acute paronychia * Bowen disease * Brittle nails * Chronic paronychia * Eczema * Erythronychia * Glomus tumor * Hematomas * Herpes simplex * Ingrowing nail * Lichen planus * Melanoma * Melanonychias * Myxoid cysts * Onycholysis * Onychomatricoma * Onychomycosis * Onychotillomania * Psoriasis * Retronychia * Squamous cell carcinoma * Subungual exostosis * Trachyonychia * Transverse overcurvature * Warts * Yellow nail syndrome * Practical procedures * Preparing a biopsy specimen

Book information

ISBN: 9781138370364
Publisher: CRC Press
Imprint: CRC Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 616.547
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 206
Weight: 554g
Height: 178mm
Width: 249mm
Spine width: 14mm