Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1904 edition. Excerpt: ... CHAPTER XXIII THE MARCH ON ANTIOCH The dawn had not appeared when the peace of Byzantium was roused by a sudden commotion. The riveille was sounding from all the barracks of the guards. Citizens rushed from their houses to the wider streets and Forum to hear the news. The beacon fire across the Bosphorus, on the heights above Chrysopolis, was blazing in the sky. And the Palace and its precincts were bright with lamps and torches, as messengers, troops, and attendants hastened through the corridors and courts. The young guardsman, Eric, hurrying to head-quarters, chanced in the crowd to meet his friend Symmachos, the Silentiary, attended by Leo, the historian that was to be, then a young student at college. "What does it mean?" he asked. "What does it mean?"--" Can you ask? "said Symmachos. "Do you not see the blaze of the beacon across the Bosphorus there? Do you not know that this is the signal from Cssarea in Cappadocia that the great army of the East is ready to march and awaits the coming of the Basileus?" "I knew the signal was expected, but I did not understand it had arrived." "Yes !" said Symmachos, "it has come--just an hour ago, having started from the banks of the Halys about this very midnight. I have just been sent to summon General Bardas to the Palace." "You have never seen our telegraphs at work before ?" said Leo, the scholar, who was already well versed in all the machinery of the Empire. "Mount Argaeus, whence this signal started, is full thirty days' march from the city. In a few hours the beacon fire has leapt across that space." "Yes !" said Symmachos, "the Palace Pharos communicates with that of Chrysopolis. Thence it flashes to Nicomedia, Nicaea, Dorylaeum, Laodicea, till it reaches Mount Taurus, and from Taurus...