Then Sings My Soul

Then Sings My Soul

Paperback (31 Aug 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Then Sings My Soul is the stirring, first-person account of God's amazing grace in the life of David W. Winget, a poor country boy born in a dirt floor log cabin in the backwoods of rural, Depression-era southern Georgia. Through a remarkable series of providential interventions God rescues the lad from a life of manufacturing "moonshine" whiskey, brings him to faith in Christ, and transforms him into a minister of the Gospel and a professor of Systematic Theology. This story is a warm and winsome narration of a simple life profoundly changed by the Good News of the substitutionary work of Jesus Christ at Calvary and how that conversion has touched other lives around the globe. Students of human nature, readers of history and theology, pastors, preachers, and church planters, and of course, lovers of biography will find this volume both enjoyable and edifying. It is an account that will amuse, inform, inspire, and encourage. At the same time it will move the reader toward worship and thanksgiving for God's amazing grace in the lives of all His people. About the Author - Dr. David W. Winget grew up in a tiny hamlet called "Boozey Bushes" in southeastern Georgia and later moved to central Florida. At the age of 18 he was confronted with the message of the saving work of Jesus Christ and accepted His free offer of life. Studies at Bible college in Chattanooga, Tennessee, marriage to Norma Hicks and fathering four children, seminary training in Dallas, Texas, church planting and pastoring in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee, and teaching Bible and theology in college and seminary followed. From the illegal whiskey trade to a ministry of the Gospel that spanned over half a century and impacted thousands, David's life is a trophy of the grace of God.

Book information

ISBN: 9781622308910
Publisher: Salem Publishing Solutions
Imprint: Xulon Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 294
Weight: 435g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 17mm