Publisher's Synopsis
History is full of "black pages" that no one seems to remember anymore or has deliberately decided to forget albeit in most cases this oblivion has been imposed. Somewhere in the book, a character, Mr. Fournier who's the one referring to the "bitch" first, says: "We have some great MONUMENTS in France but we don't seem to get along well with MEMORY"
The cause to make me write this one has been an event that showed up once in the news and was forgotten the next day albeit Marine Le Pen had praised it a lot. Some high-ranked military generals and others have signed a letter to the President of the French republic, showing their concern and indignation about the current situation in France concerning the emigrant policy and the delinquency problems connected. THIS was a fact, it happened. Now, why no one has ever said or done anything about it afterward remains something surpassing anyone's imagination.
The other current event that has 'tickled' me was the upcoming elections in 2022 and the spectacular uprising of a new guy into the extreme-right turf who himself as well as Donald Trump claims "I'm not a politician"! A best-selling author of libels and a 'journalist' bearing the title of "polemiste" which I'm not very certain whether the French using it are aware of its Greek root "polemos=war, polemistis=warrior". Achilles, Ulysses, etc. were warriors, not Eric Zemmour, that's his name, with his plume and libels neither has he the genius of Oscar Wilde for that.
The guy goes galloping on his white horse or, to be more accurate, the Media ran him galloping by offering rather willingly more than a couple of hours daily in their program, a podium for him to express all his hate and racism albeit he has been condemned by the Justice in the past for this! What is more surprising though is that the guy, each time he shows up he's yelling "I'm not a politician and/or I'm not a presidential candidate." To the upcoming election in spring 2022!!!!!!
According to the previous polls, before this ...warrior appeared, Marine Le Pen was given an equal 25% with Macron and a face-to-face duel in the second round. The traditional left- or right-wing parties are both moribunds. It's October 2021 I'm writing this and it has been around a couple of months ago when this Media bombardment with Zemmour has started resulting in the polls turning up totally in a mess!!! Well, it's commonplace nowadays that the polls and the Media elect presidents. Le Pen from 25% has fallen to 15% the same as much, 15%, Zemmour is credited with, and a very serious prevision that after Le Pen's fall within the next six months, the 'polemist' non-candidate to show face to face to Macron in the second round! Despite the polls, Zemmour still goes "no politician, no candidate" and the whole situation looks like an absurd pre-electoral circus. Macron, another Media product, who had buried into the same tomb both the traditional left and right, a new Media Messiah Nazi-like showed up to save the Republic, which remains monarchic regardless of the title. A mouse-faced half-portion little man without the square mustache under his nose that dominates screens and front pages and him, of course, he opens champagnes declaring still "non-politician, non-candidate!!!!!
In the gossip pages of the papers, it has been stated that in a friendly gathering he was heard to ask "what would you have done if you were into my shoes?" which of course, is a very plausible question. When they all give you as a potential winner, you cannot remain forever hidden behind the "non-politician, non-candidate". Neither was Donald Tramp and we all have seen what happened when too much money was invested in the elections. With the moribund traditional right-wing shamelessly declaring that in case of a Macron-Zemmour second round they will ally Zemmour, looks like we are all fucked up.