Publisher's Synopsis
This work contains: The Authentic Works The Rule of the Friars Minor, 1210-1221 The Rule of the Friars Minor, 1223 The Testament Fragments of the Rule of St Clare Admonitions A Letter to all the Faithful A Letter to the Chapter-General and all the Friars A Letter to a Minister A Letter to the Rulers of the People A Letter to Clerks on the Body of the Lord A Letter to all the Guardians, I and II A Letter to Brother Leo On the Religious dwelling in Hermitages The Sheet to Brother Leo Prayer, "GOD Almighty" Explanation of the Pater noster (Our Father) Salutation of the Blessed Virgin Salutation of the Virtues A Prayer to obtain Love The Office of the Passion The Doubtful Writings The Rule of the Order of Penitents Letters to Brother Elias I and II Letter to Jacqueline of Sette soli Letter to St Antony The Canticle of the Sun The Canticle of the Furnace The Canticle of Love A Prayer in Time of Sickness The Testament written in April, 1226 The Appendix The Rule of the Poor Ladies A Praeer for Poverty The Chapter on Perfect Joy Fragments from Jacques de Vitry