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The Works of Flavius Josephus Translated Into English by Sir Roger L'Estrange, Kt All Carefully Revised and Compared With the Original Greek and Several Remarks and Observations Upon Josephus The Third Ed V 2

The Works of Flavius Josephus Translated Into English by Sir Roger L'Estrange, Kt All Carefully Revised and Compared With the Original Greek and Several Remarks and Observations Upon Josephus The Third Ed V 2

Paperback (05 Aug 2010)

  • $35.30
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Publisher's Synopsis

Book information

ISBN: 9781171402503
Publisher: Creative Media Partners, LLC
Imprint: Gale Ecco, Print Editions
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 634
Weight: 1116g
Height: 246mm
Width: 189mm
Spine width: 33mm