Publisher's Synopsis
In a will, a man leaves his winery to his first cousin at his passing, but there is a stipulation involved. Whoever produces the most successful wine first with the highest sales wins the winery. Who's his competitor? None other than three Irishmen living in the hills above the establishment, who plot a scheme to win the business. The Finnegan brothers have their hands full trying to stay one step ahead in the game, from trying to stay out of jail, to hiding from Larry Davis, the soon-to-be owner, with his half-crazed, gun-toting companion, Don. Romance flits its way across the pages from time to time, with such young love, keeping the reader refreshed with mind-boggling detail, as Bo, Johnny Finnegan's cousin, continues to hide his new girlfriend's identity in an all-too-humorous manner. Suspense will lead you deeper as a scheme must be devised to combat a new arrival. Griffin Saylor, a prison escapee, who intrudes upon the three brothers' plans, leaving them continually planning new plots to stay a step ahead in the game. You'll laugh, you'll cry, as Larry loses his little dog to a gunshot wound, but little does he know, his poodle makes it to doggy heaven. Packed with a bucketful of humorous antics and enough suspense to keep you turning pages.